Step 1. Sign in
Go to, click Sign in. You can choose to sign in with Google, socials, email, or external wallets.
- If you wish to sign in with Email, you will need to verify in your email inbox.
- If you wish to sign in with external wallets such as Phantom, here is a guide on how to set up.
Step 2. Set up your profile
Editing your profile is easy! Just go to Profile in the main navigation, click edit profile. Make sure it is personal and interesting so your followers are more interested in paying for your content!
Step 3. Launch Passes
Here is how to start earning, you can launch Passes as a paywall to your videos and images. Passes are living on the blockchain, and fans can trade these amongst themselves!
Just click Launch Passes in the main navigation. Go through the form to customize your Passes. Make sure to give it a good description, that is how fans know what they are buying. For example:
‘I will post exclusive behind the scene photos from my modelling shoots ;)’
Step 4. Tell your fans!
Share your profile link to your socials to let your followers know about your exciting new journey. Add your Only1 profile to Linktree or like the example below to make sharing easier.
Step 5. Post exclusive content
Post content that your fans are most excited for! Simply attach image or video when posting, then select your Passes in visibility so only users with that Pass can view this image or video.
Consistency is key, engage with your fans and let us know how we can help!
What’s next?
We will shortly release tutorials on how to trade passes, how to receive your earnings, and much more! Stay tuned.
About Only1
Only1 is a membership platform where creators earn by launching Passes or Subscription as paywall to their exclusive content for fans. Only1 offers a web3 solution to creator economy and fan engagement.